Town Solutions

Think Marketing is just for Businesses? Think Again!

Social Media Marketing

Make deeper connections with residents and visitors.

Learn more about Social Media

Local Marketing

Put your town or community on the digital roadmap with local marketing.

Learn more about Local Marketing

Town and Community Marketing

Think marketing and web design are just for businesses? Think again! We live in a digital age and online marketing and web design have expanded to included towns, cities and communities. How you might ask? Towns and cities are creating brands for themselves. What would New York be like without its “Big Apple” branding? And this is not limited to major metro areas. Small towns are also getting into the game of creating branding for use in town flags and marketing materials from brochures to visitor guides.

Web design is also another area that towns and communities are turning to. In today’s digital world, towns need to have an online presence. A website is a great tool to share information on town events, businesses and news. Just remember not any old website will do. Today’s internet explorers expect a high-quality, user friendly site. The good news is that MarketingModo can help you develop or redesign your website with our web design services geared specifically to towns and communities.

Don’t know where to start? MarketingModo can assist with that too. Having worked with many small towns across the country to develop their digital strategies, MarketingModo can work with you to develop a strategy of your very own. Whether you need social media marketing to connect with your residents and visitors or local marketing to help promote your downtown businesses, MarketingModo can provide!

I am a city official and I want to thank MarketingModo for the help they have given. Our site looks great and we are seeing more foot traffic downtown because of it.

-John F.
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Small Town America Is Coming Back

Small town America is staging a comeback and Modo is thrilled to be involved with the return to prosperity of many small towns and communities across the country. It is because of this that towns need to have a complete digital strategy and online presence. Towns rely on businesses and residents to fill their coffers. Being online and promoting your town or community places your community in front of more eyes and more eyes means more potential residents and businesses which equate to higher tax revenues for the city. Many towns are already aggressively pursuing this path. Don’t let your town fall behind while neighboring communities steal away residents and businesses. Reach out to MarketingModo today!
